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Facts about the CBI


Business voices


Founded over 50 years ago


Regional and subject based policy standing committees and councils


Economic and policy specialists, the largest policy unit outside of Whitehall

  • About Us - Where we're loctated

    To properly speak for UK business both to government and on the world stage, we have to represent you in your area – on the ground. That’s why we have offices in 13 UK regions; in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales; and internationally.

  • CBI Our People

    We’re a group of experts from all walks of life, passionate about building a better future for UK business. Learn more about the people taking your voice to government and bringing business together to learn from one another.

  • CBI Mission and Values

    We're driven by our shared purpose, mission and values. Our values were co-created by our people, and our members shape our purpose. The valuable work we do must always be within the context of these core and guiding principles.

Governance and compliance

For further information on how the CBI is run, managed and how it secures its mandate to speak as the voice of business, please download the relevant PDF.

Governance and compliance

Annual Report and AGM

Our Annual Report contains more information on our governance arrangements, key highlights from the year’s activities and details on our financial information. And every year our members are invited to attend our Annual General Meeting.

Annual Report and AGM

Gender and ethnicity pay gap

The CBI is committed to being a diverse and inclusive organisation, attracting and retaining diverse talent which reflects the members and communities we serve.

Gender and Ethnicity Pay Gap

CBI Membership is for all UK businesses - large or small.

Discover how the CBI can help your business to succeed.

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