- Our CBI Economics team
- Meet the team
- Elise Marshall
Meet the team
Elise Marshall
Principal Economist

Elise is a Principal Economist within the CBI. She has extensive experience in bringing together economic analysis, surveys, consultations with stakeholders and desk-based research, to ensure support is tailored, tangible and meets strategic objectives, both short- and long-term. Elise recently managed a project commissioned by the Business Travel Association, which involved a survey of 475 businesses, desk-based research and quantitative economic modelling to evaluate perceptions about business travel and estimate its contribution to the UK economy.
Prior to the CBI, she spent 5 years at PwC UK as an Economic and Fiscal Policy consultant. During this time, she developed her skills in research, data analysis and economic modelling through projects in economic development, tax policy, public financial management, policy appraisals and economic impact assessments. Elise led the research and analysis in a project assessing the economic and social contribution of the UK hosting COP26, commissioned by the Cabinet Office. For a study analysing the regional impacts of a net zero transition in the North East England, Elise developed a partial equilibrium model, which localised UK level impacts to local authority and LEP level and assessed the growth potential from the net zero transition.
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