CBI Cymru Women's Leadership Survey aims to help tackle workplace gender inequality
20 June 2024
CBI Cymru aims to tackle barriers to gender equality in the workplace with the launch of a Wales-wide online survey.
The Women’s Leadership in Wales Survey for employees and employers across Wales was launched by CBI Cymru’s Women’s Leadership Group.
It is working in collaboration with researchers at the South Wales Business School, based at the University of South Wales, to gather data about how businesses in Wales are currently supporting women who aspire to leadership roles.
Katie Spackman, Associate Director, CBI Cymru, said:
“This survey will shine a light on what is really holding women back from achieving their career potential. We’ll be looking for examples of good practice, as well as finding out what needs to be improved to provide more support for female employees in progressing their careers.
“Despite recent progress towards equality and diversity, too few women are making it to the top in business and many others fall back compared to male colleagues.
“The idea for the survey arose out of discussions at CBI Cymru’s Women’s Leadership Group meetings and we hope the results will benchmark Wales on gender parity and inform decisions that will help balance the scales for women in the workplace who aspire to leadership roles. We want Wales to lead the way in tackling workplace inequality.”
Dr Lauren Josie Thomas, Senior Lecturer in Marketing, the University of South Wales/Prifysgol De Cymru, the lead for the survey, said:
“Workplace resilience and wellbeing is a key theme in our research here at the South Wales Business School where our researchers work to develop impactful, research-informed solutions to issues affecting business and society. We are excited to work with CBI Cymru to address the complex challenges affecting its members across the country.”

CBI Women's Leadership in Wales survey